====== Artwork Push To Talk ====== **Make your own Button by pressing the Button below** [[https://malteschmitz.github.io/ptt/|{{ ptt:buttons_pttblau.png?400 |}}]] or: https://malteschmitz.github.io/ptt/ The browser will ask for permission to use your microphone when you press the button. It will use your microphone to generate a waveform. No data will be collected or transfered. It runs locally. You might want to scroll down (if you run your browser in FullHD) to change the color. Source: https://github.com/malteschmitz/ptt Background video for intermission slides: {{ :ptt:pttintermission.gif |}} {{ :ptt:divoc-ptt-intermission-background.mp4 |}} {{ ptt:ptt-intermission-small.mp4 |}} ===button and colors=== {{ ptt:sheet.png?400 |}} ===more usecases=== ==postcard== **LINK ZU C3POST** ==angelbutton== {{ ptt:angelptt.svg?400 }} {{ ptt:print-engelbadge_2020-09-01_15_24_55.png?200 }} ===more logos and images=== [[https://seafile.chaotikum.org/d/a5a41f2b78824d44a760/]] ===Lizenz=== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_iW4AgFxsI|völlig losgelöst]] by [[https://twitter.com/faab_e|faab_e]] und [[https://twitter.com/malteschmitz|malteschmitz]].