====== Infodesk ====== //[[ptt:infodesk|➔ Deutsche Version]]// ~~NOTOC~~ {{ ptt:ptt-infodesk.svg?250|}} At a multifaceted event like this one, there will naturally be a bunch of unexpected (technical, planning, communcation, …) questions. As always, the Infodesk is happy to help you! You can contact us via: * [[ptt:eventphone|DECT/SIP]]: 1111 * Phone: +49 6172 981836 1111 * [[https://meeten.statt-drosseln.de/b/inf-nrd-cce|BigBlueButton]] (via text chat, audio, and/or video — whichever you feel comfortable with) * IRC: [[https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#c3infodesk|#c3infodesk]] on the [[https://www.hackint.org/|Hackint network]] * Twitter: [[https://twitter.com/dic3voc|@dic3voc]] * Mastodon: [[https://chaos.social/@dic3voc|@dic3voc@chaos.social]] ===== Availability ===== We are happy to help, but will (probably) take some time off to sleep during the night. We hope that during DiVOC you'll have no trouble finding your sleeping accomodation without the help of our map and tram schedule. ;) ===== Join us ===== The infodesk is looking for more helpers! \\ Sign up via the [[https://engelsystem.de/ptt/angeltypes?action=view&angeltype_id=10|PTT Angel system]] and join us in making the event more info-rmative and accessible for all participants! :)