====== Push to Talk—A Digital Distributed Online-Chaos ====== **[[ptt:start|➔ hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Version]]** During the past couple of months, we have increasingly moved our lives into cyberspace, where chaos is digitally distributed. We have gone on-line for events, streamed content and clicked on talk recordings. There was lots of lecturing — now we are looking for more interaction: Instead of just watching a stream, let’s go do cool stuff together! From September 4-6 we will have the third digitally distributed online chaos, this time under the theme “Push to talk”. ===== Watch program, ask questions, and more ===== * **When:** Streaming program from September 4 to 6 2020 * **What**: * [[https://talks.mrmcd.net/ptt/schedule/|Schedule in Pretalx]] (might still change a bit, as usual) * [[:sessions-liste|Self-Organized Sessions]] before, during and after * **Where:** In your living room and **LIVE STREAMING AT [[https://streaming.media.ccc.de/divoc_ptt/halla|streaming.media.ccc.de]]** * **Live questions**: You can **ASK QUESTIONS** following (or sometimes even during) any of the talks! To submit your question, go to the [[https://talks.mrmcd.net/ptt/schedule/|Schedule in Pretalx]]. At the bottom of each talk description, you will find a link to the question pad for this talk. * **Live translations**: The talks will be given in German or English and will be translated live by the interpreters of the c3lingo team. You can follow the translation at https://mumble.c3lingo.org (using your webbrowser or a mumble client). Unfortunately, it won't be possible to integrate the translated audio into the live stream, so there will be a delay between the translation and the published stream. You can find more information at https://c3lingo.org. * **Nightly music**: in the same stream as the talks. ===== Chaos stuff ===== * **Questions?** ➔ [[faq]] and [[infodesk]] * Are you new to chaos? The [[en:chaosmentors|chaos mentors have a how-to]]! * **[[ptt:en:awareness|Awareness team]]**: Are you experiencing discrimination at the event? Need someone to talk? We can help! * **Angels**: [[ptt:en:heaven|Heaven]] and [[https://engelsystem.de/ptt/|Engelsystem]] * **Kids** this way please: [[ptt:kidspace| virtual kidspace]] * And this way to the [[quietqube|QuietQube]] of c3auti * **Eventphone**: [[ptt:eventphone|is a go!]] * **[[ptt:post|Chaos snail mail]]** * **Merch**: in collaboration with Nachmacher X, [[https://www.breenbuedel.de/divoc-push-to-talk/|Shop open]] (until 13 Sep) * **Design**: [[ptt:artwork|logo generator, artwok to download, etc.]] * Community **apps for talk schedule** and self-organised sessions * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.metadude.android.divoc.schedule|DiVOC talk schedule app for Android, Google Play]] — the app automatically fetches talk info from pretalx and self-organised sessions from the wiki * [[https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/info.metadude.android.divoc.schedule|F-Droid via izzysoft]] * **[[https://di.c3voc.de/pad/ptt:feedback?both|Feedback]]** by you to the orga team and all the speakers Our virtual lecture hall is named [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erna_Schneider_Hoover|Schneider-Hoover]]. ===== Contact to your fellow chaos creatures ===== * [[user:ptt:home-assembly|Assemblies and meeting points]] * IRC: [[https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#divoc|#divoc]] on [[https://www.hackint.org/|hackint network]] \\ * Matrix (en): [[https://matrix.to/#/#divoc-en:fairydust.space|#divoc-en:fairydust.space]] ===== Contact to the orga team ===== * Twitter: [[https://twitter.com/dic3voc|@dic3voc]] \\ * Mastodon: [[https://chaos.social/@dic3voc|@dic3voc@chaos.social]] \\ * E-Mail: divoc-ptt@hamburg.ccc.de \\ * [[ptt:eventphone|DECT/SIP]] (during the event): 1000 ===== Your contribution to this wiki ===== Do you want to share things? Then head over to the [[user:index|user space]]. ===== Information for speakers ===== **[[hiddenservice:speakers|Information for speakers]]** ===== Internal team pages ===== **[[:team:index|Internal team pages]]** **[[:ptt:team:start|Internal team pages for the event]]**