
Chaos Mentors / Chaospatinnen

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We are the Chaos mentors. We team up mentors and people visiting for the very first time. We thereby seek to diversify the crowd at Chaos events, encourage people that usually wouldn't attend and supporting people with special needs.

During the talks there will always be at least one of our Mentors in our Big Blue Button Room. You can find a list of our times and the Mentor in charge below.

If you feel uncomfortable at any time and need help please contact us or the awareness team.

If you don't know what to do during an online Event, we put together some ideas for you: Some things to do?!

When Who
Friday, 17:00-20:00 azriel
Friday, 20:00-23:00 Mike (English)
Saturday, 14:00-17:00 azriel
Saturday, 17:00-20:00 fragilant
Saturday, 20:00-23:00 jali
Sunday, 14:00-16:00 fragilant
Sunday, 16:00-18:00 jali

How to participate

If you want to participate there are many ways to do so. Here are some ways with a little how to.


If you want to see a talk, first thing is that you have a look at the Fahrplan. There is a list with all talks and when they take place. After you have found an interesting talk (or if you are just curiouse) you could join the Livestream at


Join the DiVOC IRC Chat Channel to ask questions and be a part of the conversation with other attendees! Use your favorite IRC client to connect to #divoc on the Hackint network


If you want to hear some human beings just come, visit our BBB Room. You don't need to talk or show you face, just sit there and listen is totally fine for us. There you can find Mentors and hopefully some Mentees and make some new fiends.


If you want to share pictures of you pillow fort or you have a question, just write us on twitter! We will monitor the Hashtag #chaospatinnen or you can contact us directly.


For us, this is the first online event as Chaos Mentors. So, we need your help! If you have ideas what we could do better next time (or what already was good or awesome) please drop it in our Feedback-Pad. So we can improve and be even better Chaos Mentors next time. Thanks for your help!