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homelounge:english [2020/05/20 21:20] fairseinhomelounge:english [2020/08/17 19:23] (aktuell) – ↷ Links angepasst weil Seiten im Wiki verschoben wurden voidptr
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== DiVOC - HomeLounge ====== ====== DiVOC - HomeLounge ======
-{{ :wiki:logo.svg |}}+{{ homelounge:logo.svg |}}
 ===== Music and Tschunk in sweatpants ===== ===== Music and Tschunk in sweatpants =====
 Starting Wednesday 20/5 till Sunday 24/5 we will bring **c3lounge** to your devices. Live DJs and Live Music! While coding in the basement or BBQing in the garden. While soldering in the lab or chilling on the couch, **c3lounge** will be with you for four days. Starting Wednesday 20/5 till Sunday 24/5 we will bring **c3lounge** to your devices. Live DJs and Live Music! While coding in the basement or BBQing in the garden. While soldering in the lab or chilling on the couch, **c3lounge** will be with you for four days.
 If you are located in the Rhein-Main area you can listen in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night from 11pm to 5am on **Radio Darmstadt at 103.4 MHz**! If you are located in the Rhein-Main area you can listen in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night from 11pm to 5am on **Radio Darmstadt at 103.4 MHz**!
Zeile 31: Zeile 31:
 In parallel **self organized sessions** will continue to be held! Register your session [[:sessions-liste|here]]. In parallel **self organized sessions** will continue to be held! Register your session [[:sessions-liste|here]].
 +So how do you like it? Tell us in the **[[https://di.c3voc.de/pad/homelounge:feedback?both#|Feedback Pad]]**.
 And here is how to reach us by e-mail: homelounge@lists.ccc-ffm.de And here is how to reach us by e-mail: homelounge@lists.ccc-ffm.de
 +Our Sweatpants-Tschunk logo can be downloaded from the [[artwork|artwork page]].
homelounge/english.1590009616.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/05/20 21:20 von fairsein