Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos





DiVOC - HomeLounge

Music and Tschunk in sweatpants

Starting Wednesday 20/5 till Sunday 24/5 we will bring c3lounge to your devices. Live DJs and Live Music! While coding in the basement or BBQing in the garden. While soldering in the lab or chilling on the couch, c3lounge will be with you for four days.


If you are located in the Rhein-Main area you can listen in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night from 11pm to 5am on Radio Darmstadt at 103.4 MHz!

When are your favorite artists playing? Check it out at ABFahrplan!

There is more:

Party and flash! At our HomeLounge! Come on in dancing, prancing, sitting, flying beings - make it flash and come in a good mood. Blinkenlights, waving people, happy cats, dancing plants, live your creative moments.

Start here https://meeten.statt-drosseln.de/b/pie-2f9-vkh or create your own rooms at https://divoc.milliways.info/ .

If you need it a bit more quite. There is also a virtual Quiet Qube from c3auti.

Come and talk together… https://divoc.milliways.info/QuietQube

You can also meet us on IRC and Matrix.

hackint - #divoc

Matrix Chat

In parallel self organized sessions will continue to be held! Register your session here.

So how do you like it? Tell us in the Feedback Pad.

And here is how to reach us by e-mail: homelounge@lists.ccc-ffm.de

Our Sweatpants-Tschunk logo can be downloaded from the artwork page.

homelounge/english.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/08/17 19:23 von voidptr