DiVOC - A Digitally Distributed Online Chaos


DiVOC — „Digitally Distributed Online Chaos“ — is a series of online chaos events. Part of these are the self-organised sessions, which you are very much welcome to keep alive and kicking in-between or after events. Have fun!

If you would like to help us create and shape any future DiVOC, we welcome your e-mail to divoc-ptt@hamburg.ccc.de

Previous events

DiVOC: Hidden Service (April 2020)

April 2020, hackerspaces everywhere are closed, and all events cancelled.
All events? No! Chaos has come together — digital and distributed, but collaborative nonetheless.

April 11th and 12th, 2020, saw the first Digitally Distributed Online Chaos (DiVOC) taking place: Under the motto „Hidden Service“ talks were given, sessions were self-organised and old and new friends were (re)met online.

DiVOC: HomeLounge (May 2020)

Starting Wednesday 20/5 till Sunday 24/5 we brought c3lounge to your devices. Live DJs and Live Music! While coding in the basement or BBQing in the garden. While soldering in the lab or chilling on the couch, c3lounge will be with you for four days.

If you are located in the Rhein-Main area you can listen in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night from 11pm to 5am on Radio Darmstadt at 103.4 MHz!

DiVOC: Push to talk (September 2020)

During the past couple of months, we have increasingly moved our lives into cyberspace, where chaos is digitally distributed. We have gone on-line for events, streamed content and clicked on talk recordings. There was lots of lecturing — during DiVOC “Push to talk” we tried to change that. We partied like we did during HomeLounge and we had talks like during Hidden Service, with more interactive formats during the main program. There also were more teams involved, for example the Chaos mentors and Kidspace. There was Heaven, there were self-made angel badges, and the option to help as an angel.

DiVOC Reboot to Respawn (April 2021)

This is a very dangerous game we're playing on our planet, and although we seem to realize, at least from time to time, that we're destroying the planet, we still keep pressing “continue”. The only thing that will really help, if anything, is a full reboot – politically, economically, socially and culturally. We only have this one planet as our hardware, and our life support is running low.

To be honest, the argument if we should be doing something about this is concluded. What we need now is to talk about what to do, and when and how to do it. Which brings us to the theme of this Easter time DiVOC “Reboot to Respawn”.

How to

In the wake of the third online event, and drawing on further experience from additional events, we have started to document How to DiVOC. We collect our knowledge gained on how to plan, prepare, carry out and archive such events, gather details on technical solutions, and document information for contributors and participants. You are cordially invited to contribute and share your experience.