Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos





DiVOC Reboot to Respawn

DiVOC Reboot to Respawn auf Deutsch

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This is a very dangerous game we're playing on our planet, and although we seem to realize, at least from time to time, that we're destroying the planet, we still keep pressing “continue”. The only thing that will really help, if anything, is a full reboot – politically, economically, socially and culturally. We only have this one planet as our hardware, and our life support is running low.

To be honest, the argument if we should be doing something about this is concluded. What we need now is to talk about what to do, and when and how to do it. Which brings us to the theme of this Easter time DiVOC “Reboot to Respawn”

Key Info

  • When: From 2. to 5. April 2021
  • What:
  • Where: In your living room and on media.ccc.de Translation of talks into English is available in the streaming player: look for „untranslated“ / „translated“ in the lower right-hand corder of the player, next to the volume control!
  • Questions?FAQ
  • Our lecture hall is named after Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, a Venetian philosopher who in 1678 became one of the first women to receive an academic degree from a university, and the first to receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree.


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r2r/en/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/04/02 11:21 von stb