Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos





Push to Talk—A Digital Distributed Online-Chaos

➔ hier entlang zur deutschsprachigen Version

During the past couple of months, we have increasingly moved our lives into cyberspace, where chaos is digitally distributed.

We have gone on-line for events, streamed content and clicked on talk recordings. There was lots of lecturing — now we are looking for more interaction: Instead of just watching a stream, let’s go do cool stuff together!

From September 4-6 we will have the third digitally distributed online chaos, this time under the theme “Push to talk”.

Watch program, ask questions, and more

  • When: Streaming program from September 4 to 6 2020
  • Live questions: You can ASK QUESTIONS following (or sometimes even during) any of the talks! To submit your question, go to the Schedule in Pretalx. At the bottom of each talk description, you will find a link to the question pad for this talk.
  • Live translations: The talks will be given in German or English and will be translated live by the interpreters of the c3lingo team. You can follow the translation at https://mumble.c3lingo.org (using your

webbrowser or a mumble client). Unfortunately, it won't be possible to integrate the translated audio into the live stream, so there will be a delay between the translation and the published stream. You can find more information at https://c3lingo.org.

  • Nightly music: in the same stream as the talks.

Chaos stuff

  • Feedback by you to the orga team and all the speakers

Our virtual lecture hall is named Schneider-Hoover.

Contact to your fellow chaos creatures

Contact to the orga team

Your contribution to this wiki

Do you want to share things? Then head over to the user space.

ptt/en/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/06/21 12:03 von voidptr